Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Cpould the Greenwaves go 4-0 against Walter Wellborn this Friday night? Last year they (Leeds) won at there home field 27-7. It'll be a good game as they look for revenge against Leeds.

Walter Wellborn after the game Friday night 
Walter Wellborn during last year's game

Walter Welborn

The Leeds Greenwave go to Walter Wellborn this Friday night at 7:00 pm. Leeds pulled out a victory aganinst Clay County, the score 3-0.Come out to support them as they go once again on the road to battle. Go Greenwave!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Defensive Game

Friday was the most heart pounding game at Leeds Home field.The Greenwave and the Panthers fought mostly with thier defenses, because both offenses could do anything! The score? 3-0. Number 82, the kicker for Leeds won it for the Greenwaves at OverTime.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Game tonight!

Sorry about the other posts not being there, but there is a game tonight! Leeds Greenwaves vs. Clay County Panthers at Leeds at 7:00 pm.
Clay County

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Leeds 2-0

The Leeds Greenwave won their game against Marbury 52-10. They prove to be a good team this year.Congrats to #34 for being the player of the week.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Leeds vs Marbury tomorrow

I hope all you Green Wave football fans are pumped about tomorrows game. The Green Waves will be kicking off at 7:00 o'clock Friday at Marbury High School.Come out to support the Greenwave as they go against a spread offensive team.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Greenwave Cheerleaders

They are the They help the team every week and we appreciate them. Thank you to the Cheerleader of Leeds.